We pay cash for warehouse equipment
nationwide for Over 25 years

Customer FAQ’s

  • Who do we sell to?

    • We sell to warehouses in any industry
    • We service warehouses between 5,000-150,000 sq ft

    What do we buy?

    We buy Used Warehouse Equipment from warehouses 5000 sq ft and up

    Best way to get in contact with us?

    Fill out the Contact Section at the bottom of this page with as much detail as possible

    Who is our Ideal Client?

    A large warehouse of 50,000-100,000 sq ft who wants to rack their warehouse over an extended period of time

    How long have we been in Business?

    We’ve been in business over 28 years
  • Where are we located?

    We currently stock 3 yards, which can be visited by appointment only. We are constantly looking for additional yard space to rent. To book an appointment please fill out the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.

    Why are we in the Rack Business?

    Warehouse Equipment will always be needed because Warehouses will always be necessary. We have built an ecosystem of referrals in the business which has resulted in a recession proof model. We serve you, your business grows resulting in more space needed, and we get to serve you again.